Consulting & Tree Cutting By-laws
Canopy can help property owners navigate local tree cutting by-laws and consult on necessary steps, rights and limitations faced by those who own trees
Tree Risk Assessments & Tree Preservation Plans
Canopy can identify, locate, measure, rate, and valuate the trees on your property, as well create a plan for maintenance, protection and longevity.
Structural Pruning & Dead wooding
Canopy can help shape and train your tree to create balance and health, by dealing with limbs that are competing for resources, crossing, rubbing, prone to failure, have weak unions or are decaying due to bacteria or fungus.
Thinning & Weight Reduction
Canopy can prune your trees to better allow light and air throughout the structure and reduce the risk of failure due to wind or snow with specific selection.
Vista View Pruning
Canopy can selectively choose which trees and limbs can maintain privacy, while pruning others to better allow your view of our beautiful landscapes and waterways.
Hazardous Tree Removal
Canopy understands the value of assets and the liability you are at risk of with hazard trees, or parts of trees, over and near targets. Canopy has the experience and resources required to carefully address the removal of your tree, in an open area or confined space.
Storm Damage Clean-up
Canopy can help when disaster strikes, with or without a storm. Experience, training and patience help us help you to endure.
Animal & Drone Rescue
If it flies or climbs, it can get stuck in a tree. Canopy can recover your lost friend or toy (tool).
Service Line Clearing
Canopy has training and experience working with numerous utility companies across Canada and complies with E.U.S.A. (Electrical & Utilities Safety Association) standards and practices.
Lot Clearing
Canopy can fell and remove any and/or all the trees you need to open your lot or building envelope.
Support Systems; Cabling & Bracing
Canopy can identify areas of weakness in your trees and help support your trees, leaning stems and heavy limbs by installing flexible cables within the woody structure. Threaded rods can be installed in weak unions or compartmentalized areas to brace the healing structure.
Planting & Transplanting
Canopy can help you choose the best tree and the best location for your addition. Canopy can prepare the site, install the tree and/or move an existing tree to a more successful and suitable location.
Hedge Trimming
Canopy can help shape and train your living barrier to a more appealing and conformed structure in your landscape.
Canopy can introduce your property to the nourishing, moisture retaining, temperature regulating, compaction protecting and outlining benefits of mulch. Get mulch.
Stump Grinding
Canopy can grind and remove the hazard and unsightly remnants of your removed or fallen tree, your stump.
Pest & Disease identification & Management
Canopy can help identify and diagnose the possibly numerous pests, parasites, mites, blights, diseases, rots, wilts, fungi, disorders and injuries suffered by your trees and woody plants. Canopy might even help you manage many of the afflictions listed… and not listed.
Fertilizing & Soil Restoration
Canopy can assist in helping you target your tree health requirements; nourishment, minerals, water intake, aeration, moisture control, Ph level restoration and root development.
Chainsaw Carving
Canopy can create a piece of art out of a former friend on site, custom carve a piece to meet your outdoor decor needs or let you choose a whimsical piece to add as a garden or lawn feature. Canopy does benches too.